2020 Scholarships Minisink Valley Kiwanis Scholarships at $1,000.00 each.
2 Key Club Service Awards 1 Matthew Kennedy Memorial 9 General Minisink Valley Kiwanis Scholarships 1 Sullivan Buyers Protection for Trade School Education Any Minisink Valley Central School District student can apply. Selection based upon community service, academics, athletics, activities and an interview.
Application forms available in Minisink Valley High School Guidance office c/o Mrs. Patel.
Return completed applications to Minisink Valley High School Guidance Office.
2020 Scholarships
Minisink Valley Kiwanis Scholarships at $1,000.00 each.
2 Key Club Service Awards
1 Matthew Kennedy Memorial
9 General Minisink Valley Kiwanis Scholarships
1 Sullivan Buyers Protection for Trade School Education
Any Minisink Valley Central School District student can apply. Selection based upon community service, academics, athletics, activities and an interview.
Application forms available in Minisink Valley High School Guidance office c/o Mrs. Patel.
Return completed applications to Minisink Valley High School Guidance Office.
Application Deadline: April 22, 2020.
Contact Persons
Mrs Patel at guidance office 845-355-5137.
Cynthia Matteson: Kiwanis Scholarship Committee Chairperson 845-355-3640.
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Guest Speaker: Paula B from JFS.
Guest Speaker: Paula B from JFS.
Kiwanis Guest Speaker - Megan Conroy
Kiwanis Guest Speaker - Megan Conroy