Kiwanis helps kids around the world. Our Kiwanis club looks out for our community and the Kiwanis international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty. Our Kiwanis club is generous with its time. We are creative with our ideas. We are passionate about making a difference. And we have fun along the way!
For more than a century, Kiwanis has created opportunities for children to be curious, safe and healthy regardless of the community in which they live. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things can happen.
The Kiwanis Mission & Vision
Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis strives to be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. Our Kiwanis club fulfills the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects
Kiwanis Service
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
Our Kiwanis club focuses on changing the world by serving children, one child in our community at a time. To reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities, many clubs sponsor a Kiwanis family club — K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; Circle K clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities.
Join Us
Our Kiwanis club fulfills the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects.
Are you ready to help create communities that let all children thrive, prosper and grow? It’s pretty easy to do! Simply contact us with your questions and apply for Kiwanis club membership here.
The kids in your community and the world are counting on you!
What is a Kiwanian?
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis Name The name “Kiwanis” means “we trade” or “we share our talents.” It was coined from an American Indian expression, Nunc Kee-wanis.
Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Kiwanis members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged, and care for the sick. They develop youth as leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research, and much more. No problem is too big or too small. Why? Because working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream, and succeed, great things happen!
As Kiwanis clubs and members, we see it everyday!
About 8,000 clubs in 96 countries More than 260,000 adult members Approximately 320,000 youth
Mission To serve children of the world.
Service Each year, clubs:
Sponsor nearly 150,000 service projects. Raise more than $107 million.
Global Results Members and clubs have contributed more than $80 million toward the global elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), the leading preventable cause of mental retardation.
Who belongs to Kiwanis?
Who Belongs to Kiwanis?
Membership in Kiwanis is open to all men and women who are willing to attend meetings, work on projects, and wish to make a difference in their community. Your local Kiwanis club is made up of local citizens dedicated to making your community and the world a better place to live through their volunteer efforts. Each member volunteers many hours each year, and enjoys nearly every minute of it.
What can Kiwanis Can Do For You?
Provide the opportunity for you to become personally involved in the life of your community, and to help improve your community, the nation, and the world; Provide you with the opportunity for fellowship that is often lacking in a busy world, and to make lifetime friendships based on mutual interest and the shared joy of doing for others; Enable you to share ideas and opinions with others who wish to make the world a better place in which to live, and to participate in an informal exchange of ideas on a wide range of topics; Help you to develop leadership skills by enabling you to serve a Kiwanis Club in positions of responsibility; Provide you with the opportunity to help train tomorrow’s leaders through Kiwanis’ unique Sponsored Youth Programs; Help broaden your general knowledge by providing speakers on scores of interesting subjects during club meetings; Provide you with the good feeling that comes from knowing you have personally helped your community and its people, and the knowledge that the effort of each individual really counts. What can you do for Kiwanis?
Participate regularly in club meetings and functions; Give club members a chance to know you better, and to build lasting friendships with you; Strengthen a Kiwanis Club by lending your talents and special skills where they are needed; Speak out and share your ideas with others; Recognize other club members for their contributions to the organization and the community; Strengthen Kiwanis by inviting your friends to join your Kiwanis Club; In short, help to keep Kiwanis the number one service organization in the world today. How can I join Kiwanis?
· Contact any member of the club and express your interest in making a difference.
· Attend a regular dinner meeting. We meet every Tuesday at the Olde Erie Brewpub at 7:00pm
· Participate in a club sponsored community service project.
Six objects of Kiwanis
The six permanent Objects of Kiwanis International were approved by Kiwanis club delegates at the 1924 Convention in Denver, Colorado. Through the succeeding decades, they have remained unchanged. -To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. -To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. -To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards. -To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship. -To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better communities. -To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.
Our Members
The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley Membership
1963 William Telgheder
1972 Roland Schofield
1975 George Elston
1978 Arthur Schleich
1980 William Jacobs
1981 Kenneth Simons
1983 Preston Hums James Lawler
1985 Ed Miklaszewski
1991 Jack Eagan Douglas McDonald
1996 Allen Bobb Sr.
1997 Christian Lewis
2000 Gary Fairweather
Henry “Hank” Potter
2001 Geoffrey Stafford
2003 Richard Malarski
2004 David Morse
2005 Paul Buro Barbara Ewanciw Peter Ewanciw
2006 Elaine Flynn
2007 James Burtis
2009 Edward Holst John Henry Potter
Mary Jo Wagner Garry Wilson
2010 Chip Lain Shari Lain Lewis Lain Cindy Matteson
2011 Elizabeth Holst James McCormack Lorraine Simons
2012 Cynthia Ewanciw-Morse Mary Pendergast
Brian Gurda Bridget Gurda Donna Wood
2015 Meghan Conroy
Dennis Deutsch
2017 Karen Struble
Elaina Burton
Scott Burton
Josh Decker
Nancy Evans
Jackie Lavandowski
Brian Monahan
David Rivera Jr.
Dawn Lavandowski Kitty Stitt-Lorenzen
BOLD denotes members are veterans Italic denotes Life Membership in Kiwanis
Historical Outline
Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley
The late summer of 1957, was an active time in the Minisink Valley area. Public meetings were being held to explain the need and the potential of a centralized school. The possibility of a broadening, integrated community was also on the minds of the local residents. At one of the final meetings, held at the Johnson Firehouse, Fred Winkler told of his hopes to form a Kiwanis Club in our area. Fred was a member of the Kiwanis Club of Port Jervis at the time and the Port Jervis Club agreed to sponsor us if we could come up with a list of interested individuals. (We found out later that Fred was about the only person who thought that our barren area could grow a club). Fred’s persistence paid off and the on October 15, 1957 the Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley was chartered with 25 members.
The 25 Charter Members
Alfred Bann (VP) – Gordon Butterfield – Harold R. Decker Clarence P. Ford – Warren E. Ford – William K. Green – Clinton Hanford Albert P. Hansen – Richard L. Hansen – Herbert Hockenberry John R. Keeshan (Secretary) – John R. Manning (President) John R. Martin Jr. – Richard Mather – Donald McKeon James J. McMahon – James McNeil – John O’Connor – Harold Paugh Robert Runnalls – Richard Sopkie (Treasurer) – Ernest Soudant Edward Stapleton – Marc W. Suffern – Lloyd W. Young
On January 1, 1959, Alfred Bann took over as President and the club kept on the move. Existing projects received continuing support and new projects were taken on. It seems it was about this time that we learned about pancakes and came up with some basic ideas on potential catering. Old minutes reflect: “Pancake Day is to be on March 19 with Clarence “Bub” Ford as Chairman….everyone else is Co-Chairman”.
1960 brought in the administration of Francis Remey. Francis was a wholehearted supporter of his community and of the service ethic. He expected everyone to feel likewise. A note in the minutes makes mention of the Kiwanis road sign in Slate Hill needing straightening – says our leader: “The first one there can take care of this matter”. Every new club goes through a “slump” period as to attendance and membership…..1960 was our year and the club can be very grateful to the leadership of Francis Remey with our progression. During 1960, our Scholarship Program was established. An unusual fund raiser was a “Hay Day” at “Bub” Fords farm, chaired by Ed Stapleton. An even less understandable item is the notation to give the manager of our Little League team, Roland Schofield, a Certificate of Appreciation on the occasion of his marriage.
John O’Connor took over the reins in 1961. John’s business acumen kept the organization on the move. We hosted our first Spaghetti Dinner in support of the school band. As we had attracted new members, our roster was pruned of those who had lost interest.
1962 – The year of Big Ed Stapleton. Ed had been very active in our work projects such as the Little League Field and he came in with a running start. The club kept lean and hungry (presidential decree had all platters starting from the head table center). Band support was broadened to include a trip to Sherburne for the New York State Band Competition. This was also the year that we took the plunge and bought barbecue equipment for our fund raisers. We spent the sum of $60 as a start. “Bub” Ford and Francis Remey went to the State Convention in New York City.
C.P “Bub” Ford took charge in 1963. Bub is the foundation of the BBQ’s that we still put on to this day. Having heard, “Turn ’em!” bellowed out so often – the members had no trouble paying attention when Bub ran a meeting. With help from Chairman, John O’Connor, Bub ran our first annual members only steak roast. (Remember those egg throwing contests?) Kids Day was officially celebrated by taking a group from school to Stewart Field. The Club began to support more and more of a variety of efforts across the community area.
1964 arrived with John Eagan at the helm. “Honest John” set the tone for the year by drawing his own name for the free meal at the first meeting. He was also one of the few to turn back in money on his convention trip account – “I couldn’t find anyplace to spend it.” This year saw a continuation of the widening of our support in the area. We supported Girl Scouts, 4H Clubs, Kids Day @ West Point, special church projects just to name a few.
1965 – Russell Haggerty, President (It is unclear but he is suspected to have arrived in the newest top of the line Ford). Walt Fisher was Lieutenant Governor then. The year saw the committees well organized and reporting a wide variety of service projects. Interstate 84 began to cut across our area. (The powers that be must have known about Russell’s penchant for travel).
James Brink ran the show in 1966. The club had “arrived” as far as acceptance and use by the community. Jim kept the momentum going and the membership climbed to 39 by years end and our budget passed $4000.
Albert Hansen took control in 1967 (by coincidence, this was the 1st year that the majority of our programs were by women). A major accomplishment this year was the establishment of Key Club. This was a big step forward in serving the youth of our community. Our long standing meeting place (the original and only, Poor Richard) sold his restaurant to Flo Shill in August.
In 1968 we had to lower the podium to accommodate Richard Mather as our leader. True to his image as a teacher, Rich was successful in bringing our attendance up to 80% (Rich still won the most free meals). Our scholarship program was expanded, Key Club activities were defined and the club sponsored a Recognition Day for retiring teachers.
1969 was a nine month year as Kiwanis changed over to an October 1st fiscal year. We had just the man to do 12 months work in only 9 months time – John R. “Pep” Martin handled the job with finesse. In tune with the speed of the year, our club sponsored the Minisink Flying Club and taught some of our high school students basic flying skills.
1969 – 1970
Joe Lilly was our first “fiscal year” President during 1969 – 1970, This year saw our first support of the Minisink Valley Rifle Club. We built their indoor range and provided basic equipment. Each year saw a strengthening of our on-going support programs.
1970 – 1971
1970 – 1971…Bill Telgheder. We soon found out that Bill’s name was synonymous with “work”. Bill was very active and had much progress and success with our Youth Service Programs.
1971 – 1972
Ed Flynn led the club for 1971 – 1972. Our previous emphasis on the Key Club paid off when Don Horan became the Key Club Lieutenant Governor. Another Youth Program sponsored by the club during this period was the Foreign Student Exchange program with South America.
1972 – 1973
In 1972 – 1973 Thomas Monahan drove our bus, literary and figuratively. Tom was one of Minisink Valley’s School bus drivers. One of our Service Projects had a very broad impact, it was our donation of a Kidney Dialysis Machine to Horton Hospital…..their first.
1973 – 1974
1973 – 1974 we had Dutch Hansen at the helm. This year marked our first participation in the exchange of Presidents program. (we kept our fingers crossed, but we found that we had a marketable product). Our club participated actively in Division and Interclub matters.
1974 – 1975
Gentleman Jim McMahon led the club in its first year of Division leadership. We made over 47 interclubs (2 round robins). Over half of these were with the ladies. We also participated in the formation of three new clubs, Montgomery, Warwick and Chester. Our budget passed $7000 for committed services plus extra amounts for special projects. In October our club reported its first month of 100% attendance. For the year, we boasted a 73% attendance record.
1975 – 1976
Dick Allen held the top spot during the 1975 – 1976 year. The Club had a full year – we had become experts at raising and spending money, accomplishments that were well recognized in our area and throughout the New York District of Kiwanis. As of the end of this year, the Hudson River Division deemed to be over grown and was divided into East and West. Minisink was one of the eleven clubs in the Hudson River West.
1976 – 1977
In 1976- 1977 Herb Weiss took charge. Our Club was complimented by the Lieutenant Governor of the new division. It seems our records and activities attracted attention. Our club catered our first Kohlmar Picnic.
1977 – 1978
Our president in 1977 – 1978 was Roland Schofield. With his active club background as Interclub Chairman, Rollie was an expert at assigning jobs in a manner that guaranteed accomplishment. (one of which, naturally, was a Double Round Robin). Our budget had reached a size which allowed consideration of special large sized donations, including being the first club in the New York State District to fully support the Districts Foundation Endowment Fund and sending six campers to Kamp Kiwanis.
1978 – 1979
Gary Calta took over in 1978 – 1979. A year with emphasis on the broader aspects of support for youth (i.e support for the park in Unionville). Gary being King of the Pits (BBQ’s that is) he was used to demanding (and receiving) action. This year also saw us promote the revival of the Rifle Club. We also donated a Hearing Analysis Machine to the Minisink Valley School.
1979 – 1980
Lester Lain steered the club in 1979 – 1980. Ed Flynn was the Lieutentant Governor of Hudson River West. The year also saw our Key Club sponsor, George Elston Jr, as Lieutentant Governor. Our permanent meeting place was changed to the Holiday Inn in Port Jervis.
1980 – 1981
The club was led by George Elston in 1980 – 1981. We were instrumental in the continued operation of the Bookmobile in our area. George’s contacts have been responsible for our catering the Kohlmar picnic each year – our major fund raiser.
1981 – 1982
Matt Kennedy took over in 1981 – 1982. His year included the expansion of community service to special projects in Shannen Park and in Westtown. Despite necessary deletions, our membership passed the 50 mark.
1982 – 1983
Bob Melvin was president as the club continued to support the Bookmobile with a donation of $1700. The Minisink Valley Youth Soccer League got a boost toward its inception with a donation of $750, $500 was donated toward a Youth Recreational Area in Westtown, Scholarship awards were $1700. Many other local activities received our support.
1983 – 1984
Art Schleich took over the leadership from Matt Kennedy. with 58 members, the club was able to donate over $8800 during the year to many community projects. This included Scholarships $1700, Bookmobile $600, Youth Soccer $750, and $750 to the Key Club. Also donations were made to Olympics of the Mind, HOBY and the CP center. The Club held its largest ever fund raising event during 1983, feeding over 1500 Kolmar employees.
1984 – 1985
Ralph Hutt began the year with 57 members ready and willing to serve the community. Ralph never missed a step and kept the momentum going with over $14,000 donated to community projects, children’s and youth activities. Scholarship awards of $1760, Bookmobile $600, Youth Soccer $350, $750 to the Key Club, Lenape Ambulance Corp $500, as well as donations to three Vacation Bible Schools and the Old School Baptist Church. Many man hours as well as a $300 donation, were spent helping with ball fields, shelters and playground equipment at the Community Park in Slate Hill. A very heart warming event during 1984 was the donation of $4000 to the family of a child dying with a brain tumor.
1985 – 1986
Art Lain started the year with 58 members whose wheels were spinning and ready to go. We were privileged to have our own Matt Kennedy as Hudson River West Lt. Governor. The club donated over $16,000, with many project expenditures remaining the same. The amount of scholarships increased to $2750 and the Key Club to $825. We also donated $100 to help deliver 4000 bales of hay to Southern farmers. A fund raiser for the Old School Baptist Church netted $614, we supported the Olympics of the Mind with a $500 donation. A Rose Day fundraiser was held with $1600 going to the Kamp Kiwanis Building Fund. The Builders Club was chartered in March. Pancake Day netted over $2900 for the scholarship fund. At the end of the year there were 62 members.
1986 – 1987
James Lawler took over the gavel and never looked back. With a full roster, he planned for a busy year. The Club donated over $15,000 to various projects. A few new ones were added; $350 to Otisville Youth Basketball, $500 to Minisink FFA, $620 to Kamp Kiwanis, $350 to Minisink Valley Youth Football and $400 to the Key Club for the Key Club Convention. The 30th anniversary of the club was celebrated with 85 members and guests attending. 18 interclubs were made to complete two Round Robins. Food baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas helped 11 families at a cost of $850. The DARE Program was supported with our involvement and a $250 donation.
1987 – 1988
Howard Doland was ready to fly when he took over the controls. (he was a pilot) Although we did not have the Kolmar Picnic as a fundraiser, we were still able to donate $10,000 during the year, supporting many of the same projects as in the past. Fund raisers included two Rose Days, Annual Pancake Day, Annual Chicken Barbeque, and the Slate Hill Fire Co. BBQ. Kids Night entertained 72 youngsters and the Key Club Penny Social netted $725. Our roster showed 32 members. We sent 4 kids to Kamp Kiwanis and had delegates at both the International and NY District Conventions.
1988 – 1989
Ray Holyk took over the presidency and was able to keep the momentum moving. As in the past, we donated over $10,000 to many projects. We accomplished 18 interclubs for a double Round Robin Award. The annual Ecumenical Service at the Old School Baptist Church in Slate Hill netted $429 for maintenance. Our first Blood Drive collected 21 pints. Ray presented $2600 in Scholarships and Academic Awards. We presented a memorial tree to MVCS in memory of Dennis Murtaugh. The alcohol free Project Graduation Party was given a donation of $100. Along with the Greenville/Wawayanda Lions we held a pasta dinner with the profit of $6000 to benefit the family of a murder victim. We began our support of Crop Walk for Hunger with five members raising $1000.
1989 – 1990
Preston Hums came on board and kept the ball rolling with donations of $10,000. We were proud of helping form the Kiwanis Club in Montgomery. Nine Legion of Merit 20 year awards were presented. This year the Builders Club had 26 members. Our second Blood drive collected 36 pints. A Super Bowl raffle yielded $1714 for the Takatch child. Two of our best Rose Day sales sold 1166 dozen roses. Ten food baskets were again given to needy families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Occupations, Inc received a donation of $100, Graduation and achievement awards $2580, Little League Baseball $195, Make-a-Wish foundation $25, Peace Corp $200 to assist building a school in Guatemala. Ralph Hutt took over the helm as Lt. Governor of Hudson River West.
1990 – 1991
James Pfitzner, with his able rule, enabled us to present $12,350 to many past projects and several new ones. We held a Chicken Barbeque to benefit the Old School Baptist Church painting with a donation of $350. Three Chicken Barbeques were catered to help our community service projects. A Kids’ Night was held with 52 children attending and enjoying a magic show. A child with cancer was sent to Disney World, Special Olympics, Crop Walk for Hunger, and a family whose house burned, all received donations. Two children were sent to Kamp Kiwanis. Many miles were driven, transporting an 18 year old girl to Shriners Hospital in Springfield, Mass. Ralph Hutt did such an excellent job that he decided to lead the Division for a second term as Lt. Governor.
1991 – 1992
Armondo DeRogatis continued to keep the Kiwanis tradition of helping others in the forefront as we built an addition on a house for the Smith family. Kids’ Night was a great success with 92 kids enjoying a magic show. The club gave over $11,000 toward many projects, which included; purchase of a wheelchair for a man with Lou Gehrig’s disease, eight families received food baskets and we sponsored a student to HOBY. The club presented a $100 Brick to Kamp Kiwanis in memory of Dutch Hansen. We helped the Renaissance Program get started with a $100 donation.
1992 – 1993
Ed Miklasewski was at the helm for another year as we were able to donate over $11,000 to the community. We completed an $800 addition to the home of an elderly couple, Hospice of Orange received $50. Graduation awards amounted to $2250. The DARE program benefited from a $1000 gift. Three Eagle Scouts were presented with Achievement Certificates. Both Key Club and Builders Club continue great community work. Pancake Day fed 1050 hungry folks. We participated in Fire Prevention Week and gave out 900 coloring books to Kindergarten to third grades. We donated $50 to the CP Telethon, as well as donations to Key Club and Builders Club.
1993 – 1994
Rudy Nehrkorn helped the club fly into 1993 with donations to the community of $13,250, with 53 members accounted for. We gave out 1000 Fire Prevention coloring books, donated $100 to a new Scout Troop, 4 kids went to Kamp Kiwanis. We held our first Golf Tournament and profited $1250. Project Graduation received $250, graduations awards $2600. DARE $300, three Vacation Bible Schools received $50 each, Kids night had 55 in attendance. Six food baskets were given to local families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The membership dropped to 49, but the year was still productive.
1994 – 1995
Leon Brown used his teaching skills to enable the club to donate $15,150 to many community folks and projects. We held the first Family Day Picnic with 65 people. Our annual Chicken BBQ fed 650 people for a profit of $1250. Lenape Ambulance Corp was awarded $200, HOBY student, American Heart Association, Orange County Hospice, American Cancer Society, MVHS Golf Club, Old School Baptist Church and Crop walk all benefited from our fund raising. Food baskets for the holidays were also distributed. Pancake Day fed 900 people with a profit of $2500.
1995 – 1996
Bill Jacobs continued leading the club support of our community. We distributed $17,000 with 38 members at the start of the Kiwanis year. Three new members were installed during the year. We obtained 40 cases of books and distributed them to the local Head Start Program. A $100 donation to a local softball team helped enable them to attend a national tournament. Hosting a recognition dinner for the MVHS Volleyball Team and Odyssey of the Mind Championship teams was a success. MVHS graduates were awarded $3250. A Boy Scout Troop was helped with a $100. donation toward the purchase of equipment, Project “Joyride” was shown to MVHS students as a character and morals building forum at a cost of $595., we supported DARE Program with $300 donation, $350 to MVHS Soccer Team and provided Fire Prevention Booklets to Minisink Valley students. Roland Schofield made our club proud as he worked hard as Lt. Governor of the Division.
1996 – 1997
Ed Horan kept the engines running with his leadership abilities. We were able to donate $16,600 to our community. It was our best year of interclubbing, with 31 interclubs completed. We purchased a special handicap equipped tricycle for $600 for grades K – 3. We assisted the Key Club with a Taco dinner, donated $100. to the Red Cross, presented a plaque to MVHS Volleyball Team, assisted Cornell Extension with young parenting workshops with a $250. donation, donated $100. to Children’s Miracle Network. We sponsored “Take a Lead” program for MVHS students for $500, purchased a special radio for a blind man for $150. Scholarships were given in the amount of $3250, Fire Prevention brochures were distributed at a cost of $480. We participated in the Alzheimer Walk and donated $100. Ed Flynn decided to “do it again” and led the Division as Lt. Governor.
1997 – 1998
Doug McDonald began the year with the International “IDD” Program to alleviate Iodine Deficiency Worldwide. Our club embraced the program and donated over $14,000. Cornell Parenting classes again received $250. We began bicycle helmet donation program and donated two helmets through Minisink Cares. Two computers were donated to Brain Injury Association for $120, $200 to NY Ice Storm victims for potable water in January 1998. We became involved with the Food Share Program by driving truck, helping bag groceries and a donation of over $700. We helped Lenape Ambulance Corp with a fundraiser for a new ambulance and a donation of $500. Scholarships, $3500, assisted 2 Key Club Officers with expenses for the International Convention $375, sponsored two children to Kamp Kiwanis. Food Baskets were provided at Thanksgiving and Christmas to needy families in the area. We began our association with Minisink Cares. Six Hixon awards benefiting “IDD” were presented to Lester Lain, Art Lain, Ed Flynn Jr., Roland Schofield, Doug McDonald and Ray Holyk.
1998 – 1999
Steve Crow got into the swing of things helping us meet our three year goal with total donations of over $17,000 to “IDD”. Three more Hixon awards were presented to John Lewis, Jack Eagan and Ed Horan Jr. Our big event was sponsoring the “Up with People” concert for $2000. We assisted the Town of Wawayanda Celebration and the “Share” Program was continued. The “IDD” program received an additional $1900. Future Business Leaders Association received $500. Ken Simons and James Lawler received Life Member Status, Jason Whitehead was given $250 toward a soccer trip to Europe. We presented three bicycle helmets, supported DARE, Red Cross, food baskets for 10 families, Friendly Visitor program, HOBY, Hospice, 3 Vacation Bible Schools and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
1999 – 2000
John Lovell was great at swinging the hammer and kept the club on course as we donated $9050 to the community. We conducted two Rose Day sales, selling 1450 dozen roses. A child received $500 for Heritage Therapeutic Riding School. Key Club was presented $850. 9 bicycle helmets were given to Minisink Cares, We initiated the “Terrific Kids” program for third graders at a cost of $380, DARE received $300 to continue, “Friendly Visitor” program received $200; Tablet of Honor was presented to the Slate Hill Orchard for their ongoing support of the community. Our Chicken Barbeque was the largest so far with 600 fed. We co-sponsored the new Shawangunk Valley Kiwanis Club. Ed Flynn served his third time as Lt. Governor of the Division.
2000 – 2001
John Lewis stayed the course leading the club by donating over $10,700 to Community Projects. MVHS Scholarship Awards totaled $5275. We sponsored the American Cancer Society, Vacation Bible Schools, Interfaith Friendly Visitor Program, Minisink Valley Little League, 4-H Capitol Day delegate, HOBY, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Odyssey of the Mind and the Old School Baptist Church. Our deepest sympathies go to families of the 9/11 victims, as well as to all Americans, for on that day life as we knew it was forever changed. Minisink Valley Key Club with the help of Minisink Valley Kiwanis erected a memorial to the local victims on the High School grounds in 2002.
2001 – 2002
John Groenstyn stepped up and wielded the gavel for the benefit of the Minisink Valley Community with donations of $12,000. In the shadow of 9/11, we remembered those who sacrificed their lives. Kamp Kiwanis received $1200, Habitat for Humanity-$500, Special Olympics-$100, Project Graduation-$750, Presidential Freedom Scholarship-$500, Brittany Miller Foundation-$1500, SHARE-$720. Our Scholarship winners were presented $4,000, Key Club winners $1,000, FBLA-$300, HOBY-$165, the Walters family of Pennsylvania received $250, Partners Project $628. Our Ecumenical Service held at the Old School Baptist Church yielded a donation of $369 which was presented to Minisink Cares. Several members helped landscape the grounds of the Greenville Ambulance Corps.
2002 – 2003
John Groenstyn had so much fun he continued as president and started the year with 40 members. The club donated over $16,790 to many local projects and families. We assisted the Key Club with $838 to help build the 9/11 memorial at MVHS. Our Scholarship Program awarded over $6,500 to Minisink graduates. Many donations were made during the year, including, Neversink Valley Museum, Occupations Inc., NY Special Olympics, MVHS Cheerleaders-$400, two delegates to Capitol Days, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Odyssey of the Mind, Castle Point Veterans Athlete, Kamp Kiwanis, Key Club, FBLA-$400, Faith in Action-$1,000 and $1,600 to the Brittany Miller Foundation. A very successful year for Minisink Valley Kiwanis.
2003- 2004
Gary Calta started his second time around as President and set the momentum for another successful year for the club. Keeping with our goal of helping children, the club purchased an Automated External Defibrillator for MVHS. The club got involved with the Greenville Resource Center to provide books for children in the area. We were instrumental in establishing a Fitness Trail in the Greenville Town Park, with much planning and work ahead. Our club elected John Groenstyn as a Kiwanis Fellow for his timeless effort with the Key Club. We were kept busy fundraising with two Rose Days, Pancake Day, several Chicken BBQs and we again gave 10 food baskets to deserving families in the area. Ed Flynn kept us on the road, up and down the valley as we completed a double Round Robin. Donations for the year totaled over $14,000.
2004 – 2005
James Lawler stepped up to the plate to try a second round as president with 37 members ready to go to work. Jim got us involved with Child Fingerprinting with the help of the Sheriff’s Department and the club built a permanent barbeque pit at the Johnson’s Fire Co. site. Many hands and many donations made the project a success. Our membership climbed to 42 as the year progressed. Many donations were made to the community, the Minisink Valley Chorus, 4-H Capital Day, Little League, Jr National Young Leaders conference for Trevor Davis, Odyssey of the Mind, Deerpark Flood Relief, Project Graduation, Faith in Action, we purchased and distributed WHALE Kits for autos, several Vacation Bible Schools were supported and we contributed to Hurricane Katrina Relief with a $776 donation. The club was extremely proud of our own Key Club member, Shivani Radhakrishnan who was elected International trustee. We held a fund raiser for the Tsunami Relief Fund and donated $3,300. In total, donations to the community and beyond totaled over $13,700.
2005 – 2006
Jeff Stafford was able to begin a very successful year with several new members with new ideas and energy. The club served the community with donations of over $14,000. We began the “HELP” Program of emergency house numbering in the Minisink Valley District. Many organizations benefited from our support, Faith in Action, 3 Vacation Bible Schools, Occupations, Inc., five scholarships to MVHS Seniors, two Key Club Scholarships, a Presidential Freedom Scholarship, ten Academic Excellence Awards to MVHS, honored Section IX Girls Softball Champions, jointly purchased a handicapped bicycle with the Key Club, honored MVHS Girls Basketball team as Section IX Champions, Future Business Leaders, food baskets were given at Thanksgiving and Christmas, sponsored a Key Club member to Key Leader and donated ten cameras to Kamp Kiwanis for children to record their memories. Many members worked to install the Fitness Trail Stations at the Greenville Town Park. Our Club presented its 10th Hixon Award to Gary Calta. In cooperation with the Minisink Valley School District, and local advertisers, Child ID Kits were presented to every child in grades K – 3. This kit contains all the vital information that would be needed in case of a missing child.
2006 – 2007
Art Schleich, president for the second time. Work continued on the Greenville Town Park Fitness Trail, with the trail dedicated on Kiwanis One Day in April, we completed all five parts of the Governor’s Project, all third grade students in the Minisink Valley district participated in a bookmark program to benefit children affected by Hurricane Katrina, each Minisink Student created a bookmark to be sent to the Katrina area and in return received a bookmark from Kiwanis emphasizing helping others. We hosted a teenage driver safety forum called “Not One More” to emphasize to teens that they have choices in life and showed them some consequences of unsafe choices. We honored the Minisink Valley Section IX Wrestling Team, the High School Odyssey of the Mind team, started plans for a fiftieth anniversary celebration, supported many local projects including a fundraiser for Bob Yost, a Unionville resident who lost his home to fire. We published and distributed our first advertising mailer. We delivered 22 food baskets to deserving families in the Minisink Valley area. Many members participated in the Alzheimer’s Walk and Crop Walk. Several members rolled up their sleeves and installed new sheetrock in one of the buildings, installed 30 fence posts and 300′ of welded wire fence as well as a retaining wall at Braeside Camp. We installed two benches, a brochure rack, a fold down shelf and life sized birds of prey silhouettes in an eagle blind for The Eagle Institute. Our usual fund raisers – Pancake Day, 2 Rose Day’s and our Chicken Barbecue were all very successful. Shivani Radhakrishnan, a Minisink Valley Key Club member is elected president of Key Club International.
2007 – 2008
Under President Richard Malarski, The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley completed another successful year. Work continued on the Fitness Trail at Greenville Town Park, many man hours went into projects at Braeside Camp, 36 Food Baskets were distributed to needy families in the area. The Governor’s Project was completed, distributing Christmas Gifts to the Middletown Homeless Shelter. The Partner’s Project emphasized the importance of reading, pre-school books were purchased and donated along with Literacy information to an agency in Middletown for distribution to families served by the agency. Our usual fund raisers, Pancake Day, two Rose Days and our Chicken Barbeque were all successful. The second edition of the Advertising Booklet, newly named, The Minisink Valley Kiwanis Business Directory and our first ever Golf Outing were succesful fund rasiers. Jessica Manning of the Minisink Valley Key Club was elected Lt. Governor for the region. We sent 4 Key Clubbers to Key Leader and 5 Key Clubbers attended the District Convention. The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley has been serving the community for over 50 years, 2007/2008 was another productive fulfilling year of service.
Under the leadership of President David Morse, The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley had a very busy and successful year. We sponsored and chartered two K-Kids clubs, one at the Minisink campus and one at the Otisville campus. Jim Lawler was elected as Lt Governor of the Hudson River West Division. Jack Eagan, Gary Calta and Steve Brigham were inducted into the International Leadership Society. Donations included $15,000 to ORMC to sponsor a pediatric playroom, $500 to the Caitlin M. Hammarem Memorial Foundation, $500 to Minisink Project Graduation, $300 to Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, $500 to the Leadership Orange food drive, $500 to Jewish Family Services, $500 to Shawangunk Playgorund in Ellenville. $800 to the Wounded Warrior Project, $200 to Special Olympics plus several other great causes. We awarded 11-$1,000 scholarships to Minisink graduating seniors, awarded 11- $100 Academic Achievement Awards. We donated 45-$100 food baskets to deserving families in the community. We collected and distributed over 6,000 cans of soup for our Soup on Saturday Program. 450 students & parents attended our 3rd annual Not One More Program. We built a 50′ wheelchair ramp and deck for a local woman. We installed 72-911 home address signs were installed for our Home Emergency Labeling Program. 45 children were treated to a minor league baseball game. We participated in Skip a Meal and the C.R.O.P Walk, raising $600 and $1380 respectively. We awarded two Everyday Hero Awards. President David’s favorite project is The Dictionary Project. This year we gave 375 3rd grade students their own dictionary. We sent delegates to the Mid Winter Conference, the International Convention in Memphis and the NY District Convention in Albany Although, community service is what we enjoy most, we need to raise funds to do these projects and we had several successful and profitable fund raisers: we served 1,200 at our Annual Pancake Day, sold over 400 dozen roses for Rose Day, We served 950 at our Annual Chicken Barbecue, 2nd Annual Golf Outing was attending by 128 golfers, 3rd Annual Ad Booklet was distributed to 10,000 homes. Our membership grew from 50 to 61 by years end.
Peter Ewanciw, President
The gavel was passed to President Steve Brigham as the club prepared for another busy year.
We established The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley Inc Foundation, a 501c3 organization and co-sponsored an Aktion Club with the Chester & Middletown Kiwanis Clubs.
We continued performing our ongoing service projects: Presented dictionaries to 325 3rd grade students at the Minisink & Otisville campuus, built a wheel chair accessible ramp for a local man, our annual Blood Drive netted 40 pints of blood, built & installed shutters on cabins at Braeside Camp, collected & delivered over 4,000 cans of soup to local families for the Soup on Saturday Program, performed yard cleanup for 3 families for Kiwanis One Day, over 350 students attending our Not One More Drivers Safety Forum, planted 2 trees for oue G.R.O.W Project, sent two young adults to Kamp Kiwanis, presented all incoming kidergarten students with a school “starter kit”, participated in and raised $1,950 for the Crop Walk.
We also began three new service projects: we cooked for and served over 400 people at the Minisink Valley Little League Picnic, we cooked for and served over 400 students & faculty at the Minisink Valley Senior Breakfast the morning of graduation and we hosted a Defensive Drivers Course.
Thanks to the dedicated and generous community, our fundraisers had another successful year raosing just over $41,000. The fundraisers included: Rose Day, Pancake Day, Business Directory, Chicken Barbecue and 4th Annual Golf Outing.
With the success of our fundraising efforts, we were able to give $15,000 in scholarships, donated $2,000 to The Eliminate Project, $500 to One Step At A Time, $600 to Literacy Orange, $1,000 in Academic Achievement Awards, $1,200 to Mount Hope Day Camp, $4000 in food baskets to local families, $1,000 to Minisink Cares, $1,500 to Hospice. We also help many other local youth organizations: MVLL, MV Youth Soccer, MV Lacrosse, Faith In Action, Vacation Bible Schools, Special Olympics, Braeside Camp, Project Graduation and several others.
C. Edgar Flynn was presented with the Gerals Christiano Dishtinguished Service Award at the NYS District Convention.
We proudly presented two Everyday Hero Awards to Daniel Fratto & Jillian Dolce for their outstanding community service projects. We also honored the Minisink Girls Soccer Team and the Minisink Tennis Team for winning the Section 9 Champonships.
Finally, we installed 7 new members.
Barbara Ewanciw, President
October 9th, 2011 marked a first for the Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley! Barbara Ewanciw was installed as president becoming the first female president of the club! As a former Math teacher, Barbara was interested in numbers. The club registered 480 service hours without SLPs and another 170 with our Kiwanians in waiting! As part of the Governor’s Project, 5 nebulizers and 20 sets of tubing were purchased. The Partners project presented a forum on Fire Prevention to 80 seniors. The Business Journal featured 144 businesses with a profit of $10,375. 24 members participated in the Walk for Hunger, raising $3575. We held our 6th annual Not One More Forum. A breakfast for graduating seniors started 346 Minisink Valley seniors on their last day at Minisink. That evening, we awarded $15,000 in scholarships to 15 graduates of the class of 2012. Our Golf Outing was a fun day with 144 golfers and a profit of $19,212.02. On Pancake Day over 950 people enjoyed our pancakes and sausage. We continued the Dictionary project distributing 355 dictionaries to students in the Minisink District.
The club continued its work at Braeside Camp, removing old shutters and screens on 2 cabins and painting and installing new ones. Two Action Club members and two children were sent to Kamp Kiwanis, and two students were sponsored at the Temple Sinai Summer Day Camp for special needs children. We worked with our SLPs collecting 391 new board games that were sent to St Judes Children’s hospital and the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in memory of a six year old cancer victim who was the son of two Minisink Valley graduates. Our members held a service at The Old School Baptist Church, purchased 20 flags for the Orange County Veteran’s Cemetery, honored the SLP Faculty advisors and sponsored a veteran for the Honor Flight to Washington DC. We again sponsored 5 children for Minisink Cares at Christmas, participated in the Crop Walk, and Alzheimer’s Walk and collected food pantry for the food pantry.
But as Kiwanians we find time not only to help the community, but to enjoy the fellowship of others at our meetings, conventions, projects and our year end celebration, the pig roast. We are Minisink Valley Kiwanians, making our community a better place today and tomorrow.
Club Calendar
Sorry, nothing found.About our Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis helps kids around the world. Our Kiwanis club looks out for our community and the Kiwanis international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty. Our Kiwanis club is generous with its time. We are creative with our ideas. We are passionate about making a difference. And we have fun along the way!
For more than a century, Kiwanis has created opportunities for children to be curious, safe and healthy regardless of the community in which they live. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things can happen.
The Kiwanis Mission & Vision
Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis strives to be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. Our Kiwanis club fulfills the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects
Kiwanis Service
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
Our Kiwanis club focuses on changing the world by serving children, one child in our community at a time. To reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities, many clubs sponsor a Kiwanis family club — K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; Circle K clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities.
Join Us
Our Kiwanis club fulfills the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects.
Are you ready to help create communities that let all children thrive, prosper and grow? It’s pretty easy to do! Simply contact us with your questions and apply for Kiwanis club membership here.
The kids in your community and the world are counting on you!
What is a Kiwanian?
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis Name
The name “Kiwanis” means “we trade” or “we share our talents.” It was coined from an American Indian expression, Nunc Kee-wanis.
Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Kiwanis members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged, and care for the sick. They develop youth as leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research, and much more. No problem is too big or too small. Why? Because working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream, and succeed, great things happen!
As Kiwanis clubs and members, we see it everyday!
About 8,000 clubs in 96 countries
More than 260,000 adult members
Approximately 320,000 youth
To serve children of the world.
Each year, clubs:
Sponsor nearly 150,000 service projects.
Raise more than $107 million.
Global Results
Members and clubs have contributed more than $80 million toward the global elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), the leading preventable cause of mental retardation.
Who belongs to Kiwanis?
Who Belongs to Kiwanis?
Membership in Kiwanis is open to all men and women who are willing to attend meetings, work on projects, and wish to make a difference in their community. Your local Kiwanis club is made up of local citizens dedicated to making your community and the world a better place to live through their volunteer efforts. Each member volunteers many hours each year, and enjoys nearly every minute of it.
What can Kiwanis Can Do For You?
Provide the opportunity for you to become personally involved in the life of your community, and to help improve your community, the nation, and the world;
Provide you with the opportunity for fellowship that is often lacking in a busy world, and to make lifetime friendships based on mutual interest and the shared joy of doing for others;
Enable you to share ideas and opinions with others who wish to make the world a better place in which to live, and to participate in an informal exchange of ideas on a wide range of topics;
Help you to develop leadership skills by enabling you to serve a Kiwanis Club in positions of responsibility;
Provide you with the opportunity to help train tomorrow’s leaders through Kiwanis’ unique Sponsored Youth Programs;
Help broaden your general knowledge by providing speakers on scores of interesting subjects during club meetings;
Provide you with the good feeling that comes from knowing you have personally helped your community and its people, and the knowledge that the effort of each individual really counts.
What can you do for Kiwanis?
Participate regularly in club meetings and functions;
Give club members a chance to know you better, and to build lasting friendships with you;
Strengthen a Kiwanis Club by lending your talents and special skills where they are needed;
Speak out and share your ideas with others;
Recognize other club members for their contributions to the organization and the community;
Strengthen Kiwanis by inviting your friends to join your Kiwanis Club;
In short, help to keep Kiwanis the number one service organization in the world today.
How can I join Kiwanis?
· Contact any member of the club and express your interest in making a difference.
· Attend a regular dinner meeting. We meet every Tuesday at the Olde Erie Brewpub at 7:00pm
· Participate in a club sponsored community service project.
Six objects of Kiwanis
The six permanent Objects of Kiwanis International were approved by Kiwanis club delegates at the 1924 Convention in Denver, Colorado. Through the succeeding decades, they have remained unchanged.
-To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
-To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
-To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards.
-To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.
-To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better communities.
-To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.
Our Members
The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley Membership
William Telgheder
Roland Schofield
George Elston
Arthur Schleich
William Jacobs
Kenneth Simons
Preston Hums
James Lawler
Ed Miklaszewski
Jack Eagan
Douglas McDonald
Allen Bobb Sr.
Christian Lewis
Gary Fairweather
Henry “Hank” Potter
Geoffrey Stafford
Richard Malarski
David Morse
Paul Buro
Barbara Ewanciw
Peter Ewanciw
Elaine Flynn
James Burtis
Edward Holst
John Henry Potter
Mary Jo Wagner
Garry Wilson
Chip Lain
Shari Lain
Lewis Lain
Cindy Matteson
Elizabeth Holst
James McCormack
Lorraine Simons
Cynthia Ewanciw-Morse
Mary Pendergast
Brian Gurda
Bridget Gurda
Donna Wood
Meghan Conroy
Dennis Deutsch
Karen Struble
Elaina Burton
Scott Burton
Josh Decker
Nancy Evans
Jackie Lavandowski
Brian Monahan
David Rivera Jr.
Dawn Lavandowski
Kitty Stitt-Lorenzen
BOLD denotes members are veterans
Italic denotes Life Membership in Kiwanis
Historical Outline
Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley
The late summer of 1957, was an active time in the Minisink Valley area. Public meetings were being held to explain the need and the potential of a centralized school. The possibility of a broadening, integrated community was also on the minds of the local residents. At one of the final meetings, held at the Johnson Firehouse, Fred Winkler told of his hopes to form a Kiwanis Club in our area. Fred was a member of the Kiwanis Club of Port Jervis at the time and the Port Jervis Club agreed to sponsor us if we could come up with a list of interested individuals. (We found out later that Fred was about the only person who thought that our barren area could grow a club). Fred’s persistence paid off and the on October 15, 1957 the Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley was chartered with 25 members.
The 25 Charter Members
Alfred Bann (VP) – Gordon Butterfield – Harold R. Decker
Clarence P. Ford – Warren E. Ford – William K. Green – Clinton Hanford
Albert P. Hansen – Richard L. Hansen – Herbert Hockenberry
John R. Keeshan (Secretary) – John R. Manning (President)
John R. Martin Jr. – Richard Mather – Donald McKeon
James J. McMahon – James McNeil – John O’Connor – Harold Paugh
Robert Runnalls – Richard Sopkie (Treasurer) – Ernest Soudant
Edward Stapleton – Marc W. Suffern – Lloyd W. Young
On January 1, 1959, Alfred Bann took over as President and the club kept on the move. Existing projects received continuing support and new projects were taken on. It seems it was about this time that we learned about pancakes and came up with some basic ideas on potential catering. Old minutes reflect: “Pancake Day is to be on March 19 with Clarence “Bub” Ford as Chairman….everyone else is Co-Chairman”.
1960 brought in the administration of Francis Remey. Francis was a wholehearted supporter of his community and of the service ethic. He expected everyone to feel likewise. A note in the minutes makes mention of the Kiwanis road sign in Slate Hill needing straightening – says our leader: “The first one there can take care of this matter”.
Every new club goes through a “slump” period as to attendance and membership…..1960 was our year and the club can be very grateful to the leadership of Francis Remey with our progression.
During 1960, our Scholarship Program was established. An unusual fund raiser was a “Hay Day” at “Bub” Fords farm, chaired by Ed Stapleton. An even less understandable item is the notation to give the manager of our Little League team, Roland Schofield, a Certificate of Appreciation on the occasion of his marriage.
John O’Connor took over the reins in 1961. John’s business acumen kept the organization on the move. We hosted our first Spaghetti Dinner in support of the school band.
As we had attracted new members, our roster was pruned of those who had lost interest.
1962 – The year of Big Ed Stapleton. Ed had been very active in our work projects such as the Little League Field and he came in with a running start. The club kept lean and hungry (presidential decree had all platters starting from the head table center). Band support was broadened to include a trip to Sherburne for the New York State Band Competition. This was also the year that we took the plunge and bought barbecue equipment for our fund raisers. We spent the sum of $60 as a start. “Bub” Ford and Francis Remey went to the State Convention in New York City.
C.P “Bub” Ford took charge in 1963. Bub is the foundation of the BBQ’s that we still put on to this day. Having heard, “Turn ’em!” bellowed out so often – the members had no trouble paying attention when Bub ran a meeting. With help from Chairman, John O’Connor, Bub ran our first annual members only steak roast. (Remember those egg throwing contests?) Kids Day was officially celebrated by taking a group from school to Stewart Field. The Club began to support more and more of a variety of efforts across the community area.
1964 arrived with John Eagan at the helm. “Honest John” set the tone for the year by drawing his own name for the free meal at the first meeting. He was also one of the few to turn back in money on his convention trip account – “I couldn’t find anyplace to spend it.”
This year saw a continuation of the widening of our support in the area. We supported Girl Scouts, 4H Clubs, Kids Day @ West Point, special church projects just to name a few.
1965 – Russell Haggerty, President (It is unclear but he is suspected to have arrived in the newest top of the line Ford). Walt Fisher was Lieutenant Governor then. The year saw the committees well organized and reporting a wide variety of service projects. Interstate 84 began to cut across our area. (The powers that be must have known about Russell’s penchant for travel).
James Brink ran the show in 1966. The club had “arrived” as far as acceptance and use by the community. Jim kept the momentum going and the membership climbed to 39 by years end and our budget passed $4000.
Albert Hansen took control in 1967 (by coincidence, this was the 1st year that the majority of our programs were by women). A major accomplishment this year was the establishment of Key Club. This was a big step forward in serving the youth of our community. Our long standing meeting place (the original and only, Poor Richard) sold his restaurant to Flo Shill in August.
In 1968 we had to lower the podium to accommodate Richard Mather as our leader. True to his image as a teacher, Rich was successful in bringing our attendance up to 80% (Rich still won the most free meals). Our scholarship program was expanded, Key Club activities were defined and the club sponsored a Recognition Day for retiring teachers.
1969 was a nine month year as Kiwanis changed over to an October 1st fiscal year. We had just the man to do 12 months work in only 9 months time – John R. “Pep” Martin handled the job with finesse. In tune with the speed of the year, our club sponsored the Minisink Flying Club and taught some of our high school students basic flying skills.
1969 – 1970
Joe Lilly was our first “fiscal year” President during 1969 – 1970, This year saw our first support of the Minisink Valley Rifle Club. We built their indoor range and provided basic equipment. Each year saw a strengthening of our on-going support programs.
1970 – 1971
1970 – 1971…Bill Telgheder. We soon found out that Bill’s name was synonymous with “work”. Bill was very active and had much progress and success with our Youth Service Programs.
1971 – 1972
Ed Flynn led the club for 1971 – 1972. Our previous emphasis on the Key Club paid off when Don Horan became the Key Club Lieutenant Governor. Another Youth Program sponsored by the club during this period was the Foreign Student Exchange program with South America.
1972 – 1973
In 1972 – 1973 Thomas Monahan drove our bus, literary and figuratively. Tom was one of Minisink Valley’s School bus drivers. One of our Service Projects had a very broad impact, it was our donation of a Kidney Dialysis Machine to Horton Hospital…..their first.
1973 – 1974
1973 – 1974 we had Dutch Hansen at the helm. This year marked our first participation in the exchange of Presidents program. (we kept our fingers crossed, but we found that we had a marketable product). Our club participated actively in Division and Interclub matters.
1974 – 1975
Gentleman Jim McMahon led the club in its first year of Division leadership. We made over 47 interclubs (2 round robins). Over half of these were with the ladies. We also participated in the formation of three new clubs, Montgomery, Warwick and Chester. Our budget passed $7000 for committed services plus extra amounts for special projects. In October our club reported its first month of 100% attendance. For the year, we boasted a 73% attendance record.
1975 – 1976
Dick Allen held the top spot during the 1975 – 1976 year. The Club had a full year – we had become experts at raising and spending money, accomplishments that were well recognized in our area and throughout the New York District of Kiwanis. As of the end of this year, the Hudson River Division deemed to be over grown and was divided into East and West. Minisink was one of the eleven clubs in the Hudson River West.
1976 – 1977
In 1976- 1977 Herb Weiss took charge. Our Club was complimented by the Lieutenant Governor of the new division. It seems our records and activities attracted attention. Our club catered our first Kohlmar Picnic.
1977 – 1978
Our president in 1977 – 1978 was Roland Schofield. With his active club background as Interclub Chairman, Rollie was an expert at assigning jobs in a manner that guaranteed accomplishment. (one of which, naturally, was a Double Round Robin). Our budget had reached a size which allowed consideration of special large sized donations, including being the first club in the New York State District to fully support the Districts Foundation Endowment Fund and sending six campers to Kamp Kiwanis.
1978 – 1979
Gary Calta took over in 1978 – 1979. A year with emphasis on the broader aspects of support for youth (i.e support for the park in Unionville). Gary being King of the Pits (BBQ’s that is) he was used to demanding (and receiving) action. This year also saw us promote the revival of the Rifle Club. We also donated a Hearing Analysis Machine to the Minisink Valley School.
1979 – 1980
Lester Lain steered the club in 1979 – 1980. Ed Flynn was the Lieutentant Governor of Hudson River West. The year also saw our Key Club sponsor, George Elston Jr, as Lieutentant Governor. Our permanent meeting place was changed to the Holiday Inn in Port Jervis.
1980 – 1981
The club was led by George Elston in 1980 – 1981. We were instrumental in the continued operation of the Bookmobile in our area. George’s contacts have been responsible for our catering the Kohlmar picnic each year – our major fund raiser.
1981 – 1982
Matt Kennedy took over in 1981 – 1982. His year included the expansion of community service to special projects in Shannen Park and in Westtown. Despite necessary deletions, our membership passed the 50 mark.
1982 – 1983
Bob Melvin was president as the club continued to support the Bookmobile with a donation of $1700. The Minisink Valley Youth Soccer League got a boost toward its inception with a donation of $750, $500 was donated toward a Youth Recreational Area in Westtown, Scholarship awards were $1700. Many other local activities received our support.
1983 – 1984
Art Schleich took over the leadership from Matt Kennedy. with 58 members, the club was able to donate over $8800 during the year to many community projects. This included Scholarships $1700, Bookmobile $600, Youth Soccer $750, and $750 to the Key Club. Also donations were made to Olympics of the Mind, HOBY and the CP center. The Club held its largest ever fund raising event during 1983, feeding over 1500 Kolmar employees.
1984 – 1985
Ralph Hutt began the year with 57 members ready and willing to serve the community. Ralph never missed a step and kept the momentum going with over $14,000 donated to community projects, children’s and youth activities. Scholarship awards of $1760, Bookmobile $600, Youth Soccer $350, $750 to the Key Club, Lenape Ambulance Corp $500, as well as donations to three Vacation Bible Schools and the Old School Baptist Church. Many man hours as well as a $300 donation, were spent helping with ball fields, shelters and playground equipment at the Community Park in Slate Hill. A very heart warming event during 1984 was the donation of $4000 to the family of a child dying with a brain tumor.
1985 – 1986
Art Lain started the year with 58 members whose wheels were spinning and ready to go. We were privileged to have our own Matt Kennedy as Hudson River West Lt. Governor. The club donated over $16,000, with many project expenditures remaining the same. The amount of scholarships increased to $2750 and the Key Club to $825. We also donated $100 to help deliver 4000 bales of hay to Southern farmers. A fund raiser for the Old School Baptist Church netted $614, we supported the Olympics of the Mind with a $500 donation. A Rose Day fundraiser was held with $1600 going to the Kamp Kiwanis Building Fund. The Builders Club was chartered in March. Pancake Day netted over $2900 for the scholarship fund. At the end of the year there were 62 members.
1986 – 1987
James Lawler took over the gavel and never looked back. With a full roster, he planned for a busy year. The Club donated over $15,000 to various projects. A few new ones were added; $350 to Otisville Youth Basketball, $500 to Minisink FFA, $620 to Kamp Kiwanis, $350 to Minisink Valley Youth Football and $400 to the Key Club for the Key Club Convention. The 30th anniversary of the club was celebrated with 85 members and guests attending. 18 interclubs were made to complete two Round Robins. Food baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas helped 11 families at a cost of $850. The DARE Program was supported with our involvement and a $250 donation.
1987 – 1988
Howard Doland was ready to fly when he took over the controls. (he was a pilot) Although we did not have the Kolmar Picnic as a fundraiser, we were still able to donate $10,000 during the year, supporting many of the same projects as in the past. Fund raisers included two Rose Days, Annual Pancake Day, Annual Chicken Barbeque, and the Slate Hill Fire Co. BBQ. Kids Night entertained 72 youngsters and the Key Club Penny Social netted $725. Our roster showed 32 members. We sent 4 kids to Kamp Kiwanis and had delegates at both the International and NY District Conventions.
1988 – 1989
Ray Holyk took over the presidency and was able to keep the momentum moving. As in the past, we donated over $10,000 to many projects. We accomplished 18 interclubs for a double Round Robin Award. The annual Ecumenical Service at the Old School Baptist Church in Slate Hill netted $429 for maintenance. Our first Blood Drive collected 21 pints. Ray presented $2600 in Scholarships and Academic Awards. We presented a memorial tree to MVCS in memory of Dennis Murtaugh. The alcohol free Project Graduation Party was given a donation of $100. Along with the Greenville/Wawayanda Lions we held a pasta dinner with the profit of $6000 to benefit the family of a murder victim. We began our support of Crop Walk for Hunger with five members raising $1000.
1989 – 1990
Preston Hums came on board and kept the ball rolling with donations of $10,000. We were proud of helping form the Kiwanis Club in Montgomery. Nine Legion of Merit 20 year awards were presented. This year the Builders Club had 26 members. Our second Blood drive collected 36 pints. A Super Bowl raffle yielded $1714 for the Takatch child. Two of our best Rose Day sales sold 1166 dozen roses. Ten food baskets were again given to needy families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Occupations, Inc received a donation of $100, Graduation and achievement awards $2580, Little League Baseball $195, Make-a-Wish foundation $25, Peace Corp $200 to assist building a school in Guatemala. Ralph Hutt took over the helm as Lt. Governor of Hudson River West.
1990 – 1991
James Pfitzner, with his able rule, enabled us to present $12,350 to many past projects and several new ones. We held a Chicken Barbeque to benefit the Old School Baptist Church painting with a donation of $350. Three Chicken Barbeques were catered to help our community service projects. A Kids’ Night was held with 52 children attending and enjoying a magic show. A child with cancer was sent to Disney World, Special Olympics, Crop Walk for Hunger, and a family whose house burned, all received donations. Two children were sent to Kamp Kiwanis. Many miles were driven, transporting an 18 year old girl to Shriners Hospital in Springfield, Mass. Ralph Hutt did such an excellent job that he decided to lead the Division for a second term as Lt. Governor.
1991 – 1992
Armondo DeRogatis continued to keep the Kiwanis tradition of helping others in the forefront as we built an addition on a house for the Smith family. Kids’ Night was a great success with 92 kids enjoying a magic show. The club gave over $11,000 toward many projects, which included; purchase of a wheelchair for a man with Lou Gehrig’s disease, eight families received food baskets and we sponsored a student to HOBY. The club presented a $100 Brick to Kamp Kiwanis in memory of Dutch Hansen. We helped the Renaissance Program get started with a $100 donation.
1992 – 1993
Ed Miklasewski was at the helm for another year as we were able to donate over $11,000 to the community. We completed an $800 addition to the home of an elderly couple, Hospice of Orange received $50. Graduation awards amounted to $2250. The DARE program benefited from a $1000 gift. Three Eagle Scouts were presented with Achievement Certificates. Both Key Club and Builders Club continue great community work. Pancake Day fed 1050 hungry folks. We participated in Fire Prevention Week and gave out 900 coloring books to Kindergarten to third grades. We donated $50 to the CP Telethon, as well as donations to Key Club and Builders Club.
1993 – 1994
Rudy Nehrkorn helped the club fly into 1993 with donations to the community of $13,250, with 53 members accounted for. We gave out 1000 Fire Prevention coloring books, donated $100 to a new Scout Troop, 4 kids went to Kamp Kiwanis. We held our first Golf Tournament and profited $1250. Project Graduation received $250, graduations awards $2600. DARE $300, three Vacation Bible Schools received $50 each, Kids night had 55 in attendance. Six food baskets were given to local families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The membership dropped to 49, but the year was still productive.
1994 – 1995
Leon Brown used his teaching skills to enable the club to donate $15,150 to many community folks and projects. We held the first Family Day Picnic with 65 people. Our annual Chicken BBQ fed 650 people for a profit of $1250. Lenape Ambulance Corp was awarded $200, HOBY student, American Heart Association, Orange County Hospice, American Cancer Society, MVHS Golf Club, Old School Baptist Church and Crop walk all benefited from our fund raising. Food baskets for the holidays were also distributed. Pancake Day fed 900 people with a profit of $2500.
1995 – 1996
Bill Jacobs continued leading the club support of our community. We distributed $17,000 with 38 members at the start of the Kiwanis year. Three new members were installed during the year. We obtained 40 cases of books and distributed them to the local Head Start Program. A $100 donation to a local softball team helped enable them to attend a national tournament. Hosting a recognition dinner for the MVHS Volleyball Team and Odyssey of the Mind Championship teams was a success. MVHS graduates were awarded $3250. A Boy Scout Troop was helped with a $100. donation toward the purchase of equipment, Project “Joyride” was shown to MVHS students as a character and morals building forum at a cost of $595., we supported DARE Program with $300 donation, $350 to MVHS Soccer Team and provided Fire Prevention Booklets to Minisink Valley students. Roland Schofield made our club proud as he worked hard as Lt. Governor of the Division.
1996 – 1997
Ed Horan kept the engines running with his leadership abilities. We were able to donate $16,600 to our community. It was our best year of interclubbing, with 31 interclubs completed. We purchased a special handicap equipped tricycle for $600 for grades K – 3. We assisted the Key Club with a Taco dinner, donated $100. to the Red Cross, presented a plaque to MVHS Volleyball Team, assisted Cornell Extension with young parenting workshops with a $250. donation, donated $100. to Children’s Miracle Network. We sponsored “Take a Lead” program for MVHS students for $500, purchased a special radio for a blind man for $150. Scholarships were given in the amount of $3250, Fire Prevention brochures were distributed at a cost of $480. We participated in the Alzheimer Walk and donated $100. Ed Flynn decided to “do it again” and led the Division as Lt. Governor.
1997 – 1998
Doug McDonald began the year with the International “IDD” Program to alleviate Iodine Deficiency Worldwide. Our club embraced the program and donated over $14,000. Cornell Parenting classes again received $250. We began bicycle helmet donation program and donated two helmets through Minisink Cares. Two computers were donated to Brain Injury Association for $120, $200 to NY Ice Storm victims for potable water in January 1998. We became involved with the Food Share Program by driving truck, helping bag groceries and a donation of over $700. We helped Lenape Ambulance Corp with a fundraiser for a new ambulance and a donation of $500. Scholarships, $3500, assisted 2 Key Club Officers with expenses for the International Convention $375, sponsored two children to Kamp Kiwanis. Food Baskets were provided at Thanksgiving and Christmas to needy families in the area. We began our association with Minisink Cares. Six Hixon awards benefiting “IDD” were presented to Lester Lain, Art Lain, Ed Flynn Jr., Roland Schofield, Doug McDonald and Ray Holyk.
1998 – 1999
Steve Crow got into the swing of things helping us meet our three year goal with total donations of over $17,000 to “IDD”. Three more Hixon awards were presented to John Lewis, Jack Eagan and Ed Horan Jr. Our big event was sponsoring the “Up with People” concert for $2000. We assisted the Town of Wawayanda Celebration and the “Share” Program was continued. The “IDD” program received an additional $1900. Future Business Leaders Association received $500. Ken Simons and James Lawler received Life Member Status, Jason Whitehead was given $250 toward a soccer trip to Europe. We presented three bicycle helmets, supported DARE, Red Cross, food baskets for 10 families, Friendly Visitor program, HOBY, Hospice, 3 Vacation Bible Schools and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
1999 – 2000
John Lovell was great at swinging the hammer and kept the club on course as we donated $9050 to the community. We conducted two Rose Day sales, selling 1450 dozen roses. A child received $500 for Heritage Therapeutic Riding School. Key Club was presented $850. 9 bicycle helmets were given to Minisink Cares, We initiated the “Terrific Kids” program for third graders at a cost of $380, DARE received $300 to continue, “Friendly Visitor” program received $200; Tablet of Honor was presented to the Slate Hill Orchard for their ongoing support of the community. Our Chicken Barbeque was the largest so far with 600 fed. We co-sponsored the new Shawangunk Valley Kiwanis Club. Ed Flynn served his third time as Lt. Governor of the Division.
2000 – 2001
John Lewis stayed the course leading the club by donating over $10,700 to Community Projects. MVHS Scholarship Awards totaled $5275. We sponsored the American Cancer Society, Vacation Bible Schools, Interfaith Friendly Visitor Program, Minisink Valley Little League, 4-H Capitol Day delegate, HOBY, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Odyssey of the Mind and the Old School Baptist Church. Our deepest sympathies go to families of the 9/11 victims, as well as to all Americans, for on that day life as we knew it was forever changed. Minisink Valley Key Club with the help of Minisink Valley Kiwanis erected a memorial to the local victims on the High School grounds in 2002.
2001 – 2002
John Groenstyn stepped up and wielded the gavel for the benefit of the Minisink Valley Community with donations of $12,000. In the shadow of 9/11, we remembered those who sacrificed their lives. Kamp Kiwanis received $1200, Habitat for Humanity-$500, Special Olympics-$100, Project Graduation-$750, Presidential Freedom Scholarship-$500, Brittany Miller Foundation-$1500, SHARE-$720. Our Scholarship winners were presented $4,000, Key Club winners $1,000, FBLA-$300, HOBY-$165, the Walters family of Pennsylvania received $250, Partners Project $628. Our Ecumenical Service held at the Old School Baptist Church yielded a donation of $369 which was presented to Minisink Cares. Several members helped landscape the grounds of the Greenville Ambulance Corps.
2002 – 2003
John Groenstyn had so much fun he continued as president and started the year with 40 members. The club donated over $16,790 to many local projects and families. We assisted the Key Club with $838 to help build the 9/11 memorial at MVHS. Our Scholarship Program awarded over $6,500 to Minisink graduates. Many donations were made during the year, including, Neversink Valley Museum, Occupations Inc., NY Special Olympics, MVHS Cheerleaders-$400, two delegates to Capitol Days, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Odyssey of the Mind, Castle Point Veterans Athlete, Kamp Kiwanis, Key Club, FBLA-$400, Faith in Action-$1,000 and $1,600 to the Brittany Miller Foundation. A very successful year for Minisink Valley Kiwanis.
2003- 2004
Gary Calta started his second time around as President and set the momentum for another successful year for the club. Keeping with our goal of helping children, the club purchased an Automated External Defibrillator for MVHS. The club got involved with the Greenville Resource Center to provide books for children in the area. We were instrumental in establishing a Fitness Trail in the Greenville Town Park, with much planning and work ahead. Our club elected John Groenstyn as a Kiwanis Fellow for his timeless effort with the Key Club. We were kept busy fundraising with two Rose Days, Pancake Day, several Chicken BBQs and we again gave 10 food baskets to deserving families in the area. Ed Flynn kept us on the road, up and down the valley as we completed a double Round Robin. Donations for the year totaled over $14,000.
2004 – 2005
James Lawler stepped up to the plate to try a second round as president with 37 members ready to go to work. Jim got us involved with Child Fingerprinting with the help of the Sheriff’s Department and the club built a permanent barbeque pit at the Johnson’s Fire Co. site. Many hands and many donations made the project a success. Our membership climbed to 42 as the year progressed. Many donations were made to the community, the Minisink Valley Chorus, 4-H Capital Day, Little League, Jr National Young Leaders conference for Trevor Davis, Odyssey of the Mind, Deerpark Flood Relief, Project Graduation, Faith in Action, we purchased and distributed WHALE Kits for autos, several Vacation Bible Schools were supported and we contributed to Hurricane Katrina Relief with a $776 donation. The club was extremely proud of our own Key Club member, Shivani Radhakrishnan who was elected International trustee. We held a fund raiser for the Tsunami Relief Fund and donated $3,300. In total, donations to the community and beyond totaled over $13,700.
2005 – 2006
Jeff Stafford was able to begin a very successful year with several new members with new ideas and energy. The club served the community with donations of over $14,000. We began the “HELP” Program of emergency house numbering in the Minisink Valley District. Many organizations benefited from our support, Faith in Action, 3 Vacation Bible Schools, Occupations, Inc., five scholarships to MVHS Seniors, two Key Club Scholarships, a Presidential Freedom Scholarship, ten Academic Excellence Awards to MVHS, honored Section IX Girls Softball Champions, jointly purchased a handicapped bicycle with the Key Club, honored MVHS Girls Basketball team as Section IX Champions, Future Business Leaders, food baskets were given at Thanksgiving and Christmas, sponsored a Key Club member to Key Leader and donated ten cameras to Kamp Kiwanis for children to record their memories. Many members worked to install the Fitness Trail Stations at the Greenville Town Park. Our Club presented its 10th Hixon Award to Gary Calta. In cooperation with the Minisink Valley School District, and local advertisers, Child ID Kits were presented to every child in grades K – 3. This kit contains all the vital information that would be needed in case of a missing child.
2006 – 2007
Art Schleich, president for the second time. Work continued on the Greenville Town Park Fitness Trail, with the trail dedicated on Kiwanis One Day in April, we completed all five parts of the Governor’s Project, all third grade students in the Minisink Valley district participated in a bookmark program to benefit children affected by Hurricane Katrina, each Minisink Student created a bookmark to be sent to the Katrina area and in return received a bookmark from Kiwanis emphasizing helping others. We hosted a teenage driver safety forum called “Not One More” to emphasize to teens that they have choices in life and showed them some consequences of unsafe choices. We honored the Minisink Valley Section IX Wrestling Team, the High School Odyssey of the Mind team, started plans for a fiftieth anniversary celebration, supported many local projects including a fundraiser for Bob Yost, a Unionville resident who lost his home to fire. We published and distributed our first advertising mailer. We delivered 22 food baskets to deserving families in the Minisink Valley area. Many members participated in the Alzheimer’s Walk and Crop Walk. Several members rolled up their sleeves and installed new sheetrock in one of the buildings, installed 30 fence posts and 300′ of welded wire fence as well as a retaining wall at Braeside Camp. We installed two benches, a brochure rack, a fold down shelf and life sized birds of prey silhouettes in an eagle blind for The Eagle Institute. Our usual fund raisers – Pancake Day, 2 Rose Day’s and our Chicken Barbecue were all very successful. Shivani Radhakrishnan, a Minisink Valley Key Club member is elected president of Key Club International.
2007 – 2008
Under President Richard Malarski, The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley completed another successful year. Work continued on the Fitness Trail at Greenville Town Park, many man hours went into projects at Braeside Camp, 36 Food Baskets were distributed to needy families in the area. The Governor’s Project was completed, distributing Christmas Gifts to the Middletown Homeless Shelter. The Partner’s Project emphasized the importance of reading, pre-school books were purchased and donated along with Literacy information to an agency in Middletown for distribution to families served by the agency. Our usual fund raisers, Pancake Day, two Rose Days and our Chicken Barbeque were all successful. The second edition of the Advertising Booklet, newly named, The Minisink Valley Kiwanis Business Directory and our first ever Golf Outing were succesful fund rasiers. Jessica Manning of the Minisink Valley Key Club was elected Lt. Governor for the region. We sent 4 Key Clubbers to Key Leader and 5 Key Clubbers attended the District Convention. The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley has been serving the community for over 50 years, 2007/2008 was another productive fulfilling year of service.
Under the leadership of President David Morse, The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley had a very busy and successful year.
We sponsored and chartered two K-Kids clubs, one at the Minisink campus and one at the Otisville campus.
Jim Lawler was elected as Lt Governor of the Hudson River West Division.
Jack Eagan, Gary Calta and Steve Brigham were inducted into the International Leadership Society.
Donations included $15,000 to ORMC to sponsor a pediatric playroom, $500 to the Caitlin M. Hammarem Memorial Foundation, $500 to Minisink Project Graduation, $300 to Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, $500 to the Leadership Orange food drive, $500 to Jewish Family Services, $500 to Shawangunk Playgorund in Ellenville. $800 to the Wounded Warrior Project, $200 to Special Olympics plus several other great causes.
We awarded 11-$1,000 scholarships to Minisink graduating seniors, awarded 11- $100 Academic Achievement Awards. We donated 45-$100 food baskets to deserving families in the community. We collected and distributed over 6,000 cans of soup for our Soup on Saturday Program. 450 students & parents attended our 3rd annual Not One More Program.
We built a 50′ wheelchair ramp and deck for a local woman. We installed 72-911 home address signs were installed for our Home Emergency Labeling Program. 45 children were treated to a minor league baseball game. We participated in Skip a Meal and the C.R.O.P Walk, raising $600 and $1380 respectively. We awarded two Everyday Hero Awards. President David’s favorite project is The Dictionary Project. This year we gave 375 3rd grade students their own dictionary.
We sent delegates to the Mid Winter Conference, the International Convention in Memphis and the NY District Convention in Albany
Although, community service is what we enjoy most, we need to raise funds to do these projects and we had several successful and profitable fund raisers: we served 1,200 at our Annual Pancake Day, sold over 400 dozen roses for Rose Day, We served 950 at our Annual Chicken Barbecue, 2nd Annual Golf Outing was attending by 128 golfers, 3rd Annual Ad Booklet was distributed to 10,000 homes.
Our membership grew from 50 to 61 by years end.
Peter Ewanciw, President
The gavel was passed to President Steve Brigham as the club prepared for another busy year.
We established The Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley Inc Foundation, a 501c3 organization and co-sponsored an Aktion Club with the Chester & Middletown Kiwanis Clubs.
We continued performing our ongoing service projects: Presented dictionaries to 325 3rd grade students at the Minisink & Otisville campuus, built a wheel chair accessible ramp for a local man, our annual Blood Drive netted 40 pints of blood, built & installed shutters on cabins at Braeside Camp, collected & delivered over 4,000 cans of soup to local families for the Soup on Saturday Program, performed yard cleanup for 3 families for Kiwanis One Day, over 350 students attending our Not One More Drivers Safety Forum, planted 2 trees for oue G.R.O.W Project, sent two young adults to Kamp Kiwanis, presented all incoming kidergarten students with a school “starter kit”, participated in and raised $1,950 for the Crop Walk.
We also began three new service projects: we cooked for and served over 400 people at the Minisink Valley Little League Picnic, we cooked for and served over 400 students & faculty at the Minisink Valley Senior Breakfast the morning of graduation and we hosted a Defensive Drivers Course.
Thanks to the dedicated and generous community, our fundraisers had another successful year raosing just over $41,000. The fundraisers included: Rose Day, Pancake Day, Business Directory, Chicken Barbecue and 4th Annual Golf Outing.
With the success of our fundraising efforts, we were able to give $15,000 in scholarships, donated $2,000 to The Eliminate Project, $500 to One Step At A Time, $600 to Literacy Orange, $1,000 in Academic Achievement Awards, $1,200 to Mount Hope Day Camp, $4000 in food baskets to local families, $1,000 to Minisink Cares, $1,500 to Hospice. We also help many other local youth organizations: MVLL, MV Youth Soccer, MV Lacrosse, Faith In Action, Vacation Bible Schools, Special Olympics, Braeside Camp, Project Graduation and several others.
C. Edgar Flynn was presented with the Gerals Christiano Dishtinguished Service Award at the NYS District Convention.
We proudly presented two Everyday Hero Awards to Daniel Fratto & Jillian Dolce for their outstanding community service projects. We also honored the Minisink Girls Soccer Team and the Minisink Tennis Team for winning the Section 9 Champonships.
Finally, we installed 7 new members.
Barbara Ewanciw, President
October 9th, 2011 marked a first for the Kiwanis Club of Minisink Valley! Barbara Ewanciw was installed as president becoming the first female president of the club! As a former Math teacher, Barbara was interested in numbers. The club registered 480 service hours without SLPs and another 170 with our Kiwanians in waiting! As part of the Governor’s Project, 5 nebulizers and 20 sets of tubing were purchased. The Partners project presented a forum on Fire Prevention to 80 seniors. The Business Journal featured 144 businesses with a profit of $10,375. 24 members participated in the Walk for Hunger, raising $3575. We held our 6th annual Not One More Forum. A breakfast for graduating seniors started 346 Minisink Valley seniors on their last day at Minisink. That evening, we awarded $15,000 in scholarships to 15 graduates of the class of 2012. Our Golf Outing was a fun day with 144 golfers and a profit of $19,212.02. On Pancake Day over 950 people enjoyed our pancakes and sausage. We continued the Dictionary project distributing 355 dictionaries to students in the Minisink District.
The club continued its work at Braeside Camp, removing old shutters and screens on 2 cabins and painting and installing new ones. Two Action Club members and two children were sent to Kamp Kiwanis, and two students were sponsored at the Temple Sinai Summer Day Camp for special needs children. We worked with our SLPs collecting 391 new board games that were sent to St Judes Children’s hospital and the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in memory of a six year old cancer victim who was the son of two Minisink Valley graduates. Our members held a service at The Old School Baptist Church, purchased 20 flags for the Orange County Veteran’s Cemetery, honored the SLP Faculty advisors and sponsored a veteran for the Honor Flight to Washington DC. We again sponsored 5 children for Minisink Cares at Christmas, participated in the Crop Walk, and Alzheimer’s Walk and collected food pantry for the food pantry.
But as Kiwanians we find time not only to help the community, but to enjoy the fellowship of others at our meetings, conventions, projects and our year end celebration, the pig roast. We are Minisink Valley Kiwanians, making our community a better place today and tomorrow.
James Burtis, President
Edward Holst, President
Chip Lain, President
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